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Is vertigo a hearing disorder?

At Ontario Hearing Centers, it’s important for us to help our patients understand the connection between hearing and other related conditions. One of the most common conditions that is closely linked to hearing disorders is vertigo. What is vertigo? Vertigo is a sensation of extreme dizziness or spinning that can make it a struggle to… Continue reading Is vertigo a hearing disorder?

 What is an audiologist?

Are you wondering about the role and responsibilities of an audiologist? When should you see an audiologist? What does an audiologist do?  In this blog, we’ll talk about the role of an audiologist and how they can help people with hearing and balance issues. Before anything else, let’s talk about the branch of audiology. Audiology… Continue reading  What is an audiologist?

How long will my hearing aid last?

Hearing aids are small electronic devices that are worn in or behind the ear to amplify sound and improve hearing in people with hearing loss. They are important because they can help people with hearing loss to better understand speech and improve their overall quality of life. However, like any other electronic device, hearing aids… Continue reading How long will my hearing aid last?

What kind of hearing aids would work best for me?

Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that can affect people of all ages. This condition can be caused by different factors, including aging, exposure to loud noises, genetics, infections, and certain medications (ototoxic meds).  Many people are unaware of or unfamiliar with the type of hearing loss they have and what steps they should take… Continue reading What kind of hearing aids would work best for me?

What kind of hearing loss do I have?

Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that can affect people of all ages. This condition can be caused by different factors, including aging, exposure to loud noises, genetics, infections, and certain medications (ototoxic meds).  Many people are unaware of or unfamiliar with the type of hearing loss they have and what steps they should take… Continue reading What kind of hearing loss do I have?

Is it good to get your ears professionally cleaned?

Is it good to get your ears professionally cleaned? Earwax is a physiological substance created to lubricate and protect the ears. It has antibacterial properties that might help to prevent the growth of germs inside the ear canal. However, too much production of earwax might cause hearing problems and damage your hearing. If you believe… Continue reading Is it good to get your ears professionally cleaned?

How can you improve your hearing?

How can you improve your hearing? How can you improve your hearing? A crucial component of human communication is hearing. Our ability to hear allows us to perceive the environment around us through sound. Similar to blinking or breathing, this specific sense of communication collects, analyzes, and interprets noises without conscious effort. As a result,… Continue reading How can you improve your hearing?