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What if your ears are so sensitive to sound that it hurts? Sound sensitivity, or hyperacusis, is a condition in which people react strongly and negatively to sounds, with pain or discomfort. This effect may seem harmless at first but if you have high sensitivity often also means feeling uncomfortable in situations like restaurants where the music is blaring and conversations are all around. 

Hyperacusis is a hearing disorder that makes it hard to deal with everyday sounds. It can be caused by an injury or illness, but sometimes there’s no clear cause. If you suffer from this condition, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get help as soon as possible. 

For people with hyperacusis, certain sounds may seem unbearably loud even though people with normal hearing don’t seem to notice them.

Hyperacusis and Tinnitus

Tinnitus and hyperacusis are often paired together. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in 50,000 people will have both conditions concurrently. Most people who live with these conditions also find themselves dealing with ringing or buzzing sounds in their ears which can be incredibly frustrating and taxing to deal with on a daily basis.

Hyperacusis Symptoms

Hyperacusis is a condition where the sound of everyday life can be more than mildly bothersome. In fact, it may lead to loss of balance and seizures for many people who suffer from it. 

Hyperacusis takes a toll on physiological, emotional and mental health of a patient. Below are some of its symptoms.

  • Depression
  • Ear pain
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship problems
  • Social isolation and avoidance

People with hyperacusis may also hear sounds louder than they normally do such as – 

  • running faucets
  • kitchen appliances – like a refrigerator or dishwasher
  • car engine
  • loud conversations
  • crowd noise

Hyperacusis Causes and Risk Factors

Ears are made to detect sounds as vibrations. The brain of people with hyperacusis confuses or exaggerates certain vibrations. That means even if you get the same signals as someone else, your brain reacts differently to them and that’s what causes discomfort.

Hypersensitivity to sound, more commonly known as hyperacusis (HA) or hyperacusis, is an abnormal sensitivity to a wide range of frequencies. It can be caused by neurologic conditions like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and brain tumors; as well as diseases such as meningitis and cancer; disorders like hypertension; drug reactions like antihistamines from medications; inner ear infections that cause vertigo, Ménière’s disease, and sinusitis. Symptoms include ringing in the ears with no noise present and uncomfortable levels of sound.

Hyperacusis is a persistent, distorted sensitivity to certain frequencies of sound. It can be either acute or chronic in nature. Acute hyperacusis occurs only after exposure to an intense and/or prolonged noise such as from a gunshot or occupational condition like construction noise; while chronic hyperacusis develops gradually over time with continual exposure to lesser secondary sounds that may not have triggered the condition before-hand. This includes both low and high frequency noises, typically between about 8000–20000 Hz.

Diagnosing Hyperacusis

If you ever thought that you might have hyperacusis, you are encouraged to see an ENT or audiologist. It generally takes someone who deals with the condition on a daily basis–like your doctor or therapist–to determine if this is what you’re dealing with. For example, we’ve had patients seeking help because they were told that their ears should hurt simply by listening to music at loud levels – normal people don’t experience this.

Does hyperacusis go away?

Some people with hyperacusis have found a resolution by following a treatment plan to desensitise themselves from the sounds they are sensitive to. 

While some people’s hyperacusis may resolve on its own, many others find it difficult. What most people do is follow a treatment plan that desensitizes them and helps them adapt back into society.

How long can hyperacusis last?

Noise-induced hearing loss is a serious condition, and it can happen to anyone. When you are exposed to loud noise, your eardrum vibrates and produces sound waves that travel along the acoustic nerve in the inner ear. The intensity of these vibrations determines how well we hear sounds or music; exposure to intense noise leads to hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears), which can be debilitating for sufferers. Of those surveyed, 75% reported their pain was due specifically to being around a new loud noise, such as rock concerts or fireworks displays; most felt immediate pain at rock concerts, while many reported feeling only slightly better after several days with no more exposure.

Hyperacusis Treatment

Hyperacusis is a condition where everyday sounds feel unbearably loud, even when they’re at normal levels. Treating hyperacusis focuses on helping you become more comfortable with everyday sounds.

Common Treatments for Hyperacusis:

  1. Sound Therapy: This therapy uses soft background noises to retrain your brain to hear normal sounds without discomfort. It’s done gradually with the help of an audiologist, starting with very soft sounds and slowly increasing them over time.

  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT can help you manage the emotional responses that come with hyperacusis. This treatment teaches coping strategies to reduce anxiety and fear associated with certain sounds.

  3. Hearing Protection: While it’s important to protect your ears from loud noises, using earplugs or earmuffs too often can worsen hyperacusis. An audiologist will guide you on when it’s best to use hearing protection.

  4. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT): If you have tinnitus along with hyperacusis, TRT combines sound therapy and counseling to help you adjust to sounds better.

  5. Lifestyle Adjustments: Avoiding loud environments and reducing stress through relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation, can help manage symptoms.

If you suspect you have hyperacusis, it’s best to consult an audiologist or hearing specialist to determine the best treatment plan for you.

Living With Hyperacusis

Some people might experience emotional problems with hyperacusis – such as anxiety due to increased levels of stress induced by these noise extremes. If this sounds familiar then perhaps Sound Desensitization could help – an intensive process with many customized elements. There’s no exact medicine for hyperacusis to treat an individual suffering from it. However, numerous research studies on hyperacusis are focused on problem solving and finding out effective treatment for this medical diagnosis.

What if your ears are so sensitive to sound that it hurts? Sound Sensitivity, or Hyperacusis, is a condition in which people react strongly and negatively to sounds, with pain or discomfort. This effect may seem harmless at first but if you have high sensitivity often also means feeling uncomfortable in situations like restaurants where the music is blaring and conversations are all around. 

Sound desensitization may use a device which looks something like a hearing aid. It can be worn in either ear and is fitted by an audiologist. It pumps out broadband noise that cuts through the nerve cells responsible for triggering impulses to your brain related to sounds. The idea behind conditioning therapy is that if we train our brains to ignore certain sound frequencies then it’s less likely they’ll fire off – hurting our ears.

There is hope with hyperacusis, and it’s in sound therapy. Hyperacusis treatment may be the best form of relief for you because it addresses sound as a way to relieve symptoms and could even improve your quality of life. This one-on-one session with a brain trainer eliminates all background noise so what remains is just sounds at normal volume. Unlike earplugs or distance yourself from social interactions, hyperacusis treatments can teach you to more fully engage in the world around you while giving insight into how to avoid triggers that affect your condition.

Hearing Experts in Rochester, NY

You deserve to live your life without being constantly bombarded by loud noises and annoying sounds. We know how difficult it can be when every sound feels like too much and we want to help make things better for you. Ontario Hearing Center has audiologists providing hearing solutions and hearing tests in Rochester, NY for accurate diagnosis and treatment. 

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!