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Deal With Pressure In Ear

Have you ever felt a whoosh of pressure in your ears? It can be painful and sometimes feel as if both or one of your ears are plugged up. Pressure in the ear can feel uncomfortable and may lead to a headache. It’s common for people who experience ear pressure to also feel dizzy, nauseous, or have trouble hearing.

Ear pressure can be caused by many different things which means there are multiple treatment options available. Not all treatments work the same for everyone so it is important to talk with your doctor about what will work best for you.

If you are experiencing ear pain or pressure, go see an audiologist right away as this could be a sign of something more serious like an infection or even an inner ear problem that needs further evaluation. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines if you have allergies but otherwise they will likely refer you to a specialist in order to determine the cause of your symptoms and develop a plan of action accordingly.

Why do I feel pressure in my ears?

One of the worst things that can happen is when your ears get clogged and you can’t pop them. Your hearing becomes muffled, as though someone wrapped a pillow around your head. You also feel ear pressure which makes it hard to hear anything at all or even breathe through one nostril for that matter.

The eustachian tubes are a vital part of the ear that help equalize pressure. If they become narrowed or blocked, it can be painful and difficult for things like swallowing or yawning to remedy the problem. When you feel uncomfortable or have painful pressure in your ear, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Sinus and Pressure in Ears: The Stuffy Connection

When you’ve got a sinus infection, the congestion can affect your ears and make them feel even worse. It’s best to address both problems at once if possible so that they don’t get out of hand.

What happens when your nose runs and you have a sore throat? You get congested.

The symptoms of congestion starts at the top with stuffy noses and runny noses, while it progresses to laryngitis which is often accompanied by an inflamed pharynx or tonsils that are red from swelling.

When you’re feeling pressure in your ear, it can also lead to other symptoms like pain and dizziness. When this happens, the sensation is often that of being on a plane descending into an airport. Fortunately there are steps that one can take when they know what’s causing their ears to feel blocked up.

Sinus Pain, Ear Discomfort, Stuffiness

Get moisture – Your nasal mucus is the body’s natural defense against colds, but sometimes it gets thick and clogs your nose. So what can you do to make your congestion feel better? Try using a saline spray or holding up a wet washcloth with heat for 15 minutes at least 3 times per day. You might also find relief in humidifiers that will help keep airways moist as well.

Check the medicine cabinet – You can try OTC pain relievers such as ibuprofen, naproxen or acetaminophen to help ease pain from pressure in the ear.

Try a decongestant – Clogged ears are one of the most common symptoms of a cold, but there is something you can do to ease your pain. Over-the counter tablets or nasal sprays will unblock and relieve sinus blockage which in turn leads to less clogged ear pressure. 

Avoid extreme temperatures – It’s common to experience ear pain and congestion when the weather changes, but this can often be worsened by extreme temperatures. It is best not to exercise or go outside on a hot day if your ears are bothering you; likewise, it may be wise for those with sinus-related issues who want relief from their symptoms during winter months to avoid activities that involve snow play like building an igloo or skiing down the bunny slope.

Drink plenty of fluids – Drinking more water in the evening is essential to keep your nose from getting congested at night. When you stay hydrated, it keeps nasal mucus thin which helps drain secretions and reduces nighttime stuffiness.

Keep your head up – If you bend forward with your head down, it can make the pressure worse. In order to avoid this problem while suffering from a sinus issue or pressure in ear, you might want to avoid activities that entail you to keep your head bent down, like yoga.

Pressure in Ear and Dizziness

A build-up of pressure in the inner ear, including sinus problems and other factors that contribute to dizziness, can make you feel like your head is spinning.

Feeling pressure in your ears may cause you discomfort, and it may take over the way you live every day. There are some ways which may help lessen the severity or frequency with such symptoms: avoid caffeine, salt, alcohol and other stimulants.

Travel Woes

Flying can be uncomfortable for anyone, but it’s especially tough if you have sinus pain. 

When altitude changes, your eustachian tubes may not have time to catch up with the change in pressure. The result of this is often earache (caused by pressure in ear) or a clogged nose.

This can happen when you fly on an airplane and experience cabin pressure different from what they were used to at ground level; while driving through mountains where there are more sudden elevation changes than flat terrain; or riding up an elevator.

There are some simple ways to help your ears and sinuses when you’re flying. Before the flight, take a decongestant pill or spray nasal mist into each nostril for at least 10 seconds. You can also try chewing gum (which stimulates saliva production) during takeoff and after landing in order to prevent dryness that might make congestion worse.

Stuffy sinuses can put a scuba diver at risk for injury. Scuba divers should avoid diving when their problems flare up to prevent discomfort and potential injuries from unequalized ear pressure.

Ear Infections: Otitis Media

There are many reasons why an individual may experience ear pressure, and one of these is otitis media. This infection occurs when the eustachian tube isn’t draining properly which leads to fluid buildup that can promote the growth of viruses or bacteria.

A swimmer’s ear is an infection of the outer portion of your ear that can be caused by bacteria found in water. If you have a sore on your ears, it could mean something more serious–like swimmer’s ear! This condition affects not only the external parts of our body but also makes us feel as if we are underwater with painful pressure and fluid buildup.

Acute otitis media with effusion is a common infection that can be caused by many different types of germs and viruses. The most prevalent type in the U.S. causes pus to form behind your eardrum which leads to pressure changes within your ear canal resulting in pain or fever for some people.

The worst thing about acute otitis media with effusion (AOMwE) are those who experience extreme levels of discomfort due to severe fluid buildup inside their ears as well as an impaired hearing ability if it’s left untreated over time.

Foreign Object(s)

Some of the most pressing health issues for children are related to their ears. Ear pressure and pain can occur as a result of having something stuck in your ear, but this is more common with small kids who may put foreign objects into any orifice they find available.

When to see a doctor for pressure in ear

Sinus infection is not the only cause of ear pain. If you are experiencing fever, head or face pain, swelling that doesn’t get better with non-prescription medication and your symptoms last for more than a week or keep coming back; then it could be due to other reasons. 

Seek medical attention to get to the bottom of what’s causing pressure in your ears.

Hearing Aids and Audiologists - Rochester, NY

You might experience a pressure in your ears for many different reasons, such as having allergies or infection. Get to the bottom of what’s causing it and speak with an audiologist to get relief and solutions.

If you’re experiencing uncomfortable pressure in ear, there’s no reason for you to let it drag on. Although the situation may go away on its own, there’s also a chance that it may also get worse and cause complications.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!