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Swimmers Ear

Swimmer’s Ear Swimmer’s Ear Swimmer’s ear is an infection that can be caused by excess moisture in the outer ear canal. This infection often occurs after swimming, which creates a moist environment where bacteria can grow and cause swimmer’s ear. Putting your fingers, cotton swabs or other objects in your ears can lead to swimmer’s… Continue reading Swimmers Ear

How To Use Ear Wax Removal Drops

How to use ear wax removal drops How to use ear wax removal drops If you find yourself trying to search “how to use ear wax removal drops” on Google, chances are, you’re dealing with an earwax problem. Earwax buildup can be a significant cause of hearing loss. Fortunately, there are OTC medications used to… Continue reading How To Use Ear Wax Removal Drops

VA Hearing Aids

VA Hearing Aids VA Hearing Aids VA hearing aids are a great option for those who qualify. They’re free and they come with an incredible warranty that covers the cost of repairs or replacement if your device is lost, stolen, or damaged. You can get a new set of hearing aids every five years. That… Continue reading VA Hearing Aids

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices Assistive Listening Devices Assistive Listening Systems (ALSs), also known as Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs), are essentially amplifiers that bring sound directly into the ear.  They separate the sounds, particularly speech, that a person wants and needs to hear from background noise. Assistive Listening Devices improve what is known as the “speech to… Continue reading Assistive Listening Devices

Testing for hearing loss…

Best Way To Clean Ears Best Way To Clean Ears Cleaning your ears is important for the health of your hearing. It’s also good to clean them because they can get clogged with wax and other debris. You can use gentle methods such as using a damp washcloth or cotton swab to clean the outer… Continue reading Testing for hearing loss…

Best Way to Clean Ears

Best Way To Clean Ears Best Way To Clean Ears Cleaning your ears is important for the health of your hearing. It’s also good to clean them because they can get clogged with wax and other debris. You can use gentle methods such as using a damp washcloth or cotton swab to clean the outer… Continue reading Best Way to Clean Ears