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Does Medicare pay for hearing aids?

Does Medicare Pay for Hearing Aids Medicare pay for hearing aids Hearing loss is a common problem, affecting about 1 in 3 people over age 65 and nearly half of those over 75. It can be caused by aging, genetics or exposure to loud noise. If you’re having trouble hearing what others are saying, you… Continue reading Does Medicare pay for hearing aids?

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices Assistive Listening Devices Assistive Listening Systems (ALSs), also known as Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs), are essentially amplifiers that bring sound directly into the ear.  They separate the sounds, particularly speech, that a person wants and needs to hear from background noise. Assistive Listening Devices improve what is known as the “speech to… Continue reading Assistive Listening Devices

Testing for hearing loss…

Best Way To Clean Ears Best Way To Clean Ears Cleaning your ears is important for the health of your hearing. It’s also good to clean them because they can get clogged with wax and other debris. You can use gentle methods such as using a damp washcloth or cotton swab to clean the outer… Continue reading Testing for hearing loss…

Dealing With Pressure In Ear

How to Deal With Pressure In Ear Deal With Pressure In Ear Have you ever felt a whoosh of pressure in your ears? It can be painful and sometimes feel as if both or one of your ears are plugged up. Pressure in the ear can feel uncomfortable and may lead to a headache. It’s… Continue reading Dealing With Pressure In Ear

Best Way to Clean Ears

Best Way To Clean Ears Best Way To Clean Ears Cleaning your ears is important for the health of your hearing. It’s also good to clean them because they can get clogged with wax and other debris. You can use gentle methods such as using a damp washcloth or cotton swab to clean the outer… Continue reading Best Way to Clean Ears